Microsatellite discovery from BAC end sequences and genetic mapping to anchor the soybean physical and genetic maps
Dominant nitrogen metabolisms of a warm, seasonally anoxic freshwater ecosystem revealed using genome resolved metatranscriptomics
Alignathon: a competitive assessment of whole-genome alignment methods
Genome sequence of Ensifer meliloti strain WSM1022; a highly effective microsymbiont of the model legume Medicago truncatula A17
Genome analysis of the marine bacterium Kiloniella laminariae and first insights into comparative genomics with related Kiloniella species
Major role of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in dark ocean carbon fixation
Stepping on the Gas to a Circular Economy: Accelerating Development of Carbon-Negative Chemical Production from Gas Fermentation
Draft genome sequences of Bradyrhizobium shewense sp. nov. ERR11T and Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense CCBAU 10071T
Complete genome sequence of Thioalkalivibrio sp. K90mix
Abundant Atribacteria in deep marine sediment from the Adélie Basin, Antarctica
The rhizosphere microbiome of burned holm-oak: potential role of the genus Arthrobacter in the recovery of burned soils
The dynamic genome of Hydra