Diversity of cytosine methylation across the fungal tree of life
Diversity and Distribution of a Novel Genus of Hyperthermophilic Aquificae Viruses Encoding a Proof-Reading Family-A DNA Polymerase
Tissue Cultivation, Preparation, and Extraction of High Molecular Weight DNA for Single-Molecule Genome Sequencing of Plant-Associated Fungi
Enhancing Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Activity on Substrates with 3′ Terminal Structures for Enzymatic De Novo DNA Synthesis
Depth-discrete metagenomics reveals the roles of microbes in biogeochemical cycling in the tropical freshwater Lake Tanganyika
Transcriptome and DNA methylome divergence of inflorescence development between 2 ecotypes in Panicum hallii
Divergence among rice cultivars reveals roles for transposition and epimutation in ongoing evolution of genomic imprinting
Metagenomic compendium of 189,680 DNA viruses from the human gut microbiome
Genome Calligrapher: A Web Tool for Refactoring Bacterial Genome Sequences for de Novo DNA Synthesis
RegTransBase – a database of regulatory sequences and interactions based on literature: a resource for investigating transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes
Evolution of extreme resistance to ionizing radiation via genetic adaptation of DNA repair
Widespread adenine N6-methylation of active genes in fungi