JGI@25: Building a Better Bean
SPRUCE-ing Up Science
Accelerating Metagenomics Discoveries with Deep Learning
Triggering Morel Fruiting
Multiple Maize Reference Genomes Impact the Identification of Variants by Genome‐Wide Association Study in a Diverse Inbred Panel
The Complete Genome Sequence of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 Reveals a Cellulolytic and Metabolic Specialist
Evolutionary transition to the ectomycorrhizal habit in the genomes of a hyperdiverse lineage of mushroom‐forming fungi
The genome of the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) reveals complex patterns of duplications involved in the evolution of parasitism genes
Analysis of Ten Brucella Genomes Reveals Evidence for Horizontal Gene Transfer Despite a Preferred Intracellular Lifestyle▿ §
High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Kallotenue papyrolyticum JKG1T Reveals Broad Heterotrophic Capacity Focused on Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Metabolism
The genome of the polar eukaryotic microalga Coccomyxa subellipsoidea reveals traits of cold adaptation
Comparative Analysis of 126 Cyanobacterial Genomes Reveals Evidence of Functional Diversity Among Homologs of the Redox-Regulated CP12 Protein