Refining the Process of Identifying Algae Biotechnology Candidates
JGI@25: Fueling Investigation into Methane-Making Microbes
JGI@25: Strengthening Soybean
Introducing New Members of the JGI User Executive Committee
JGI@25: Cow Rumen and the Early Days of Metagenomics
Tanja Woyke Awarded van Niel International Prize for Studies in Bacterial Systematics
JGI Accepts 17 Proposals for Community Science Program
Plotting a Model for Virus-Host Warfare Deep Below Ground
Notes on the Microbial Diversity of Puerto Nuevo’s Coastline
Gene Expression: From On-Off Switch to Dial
Toasting to the 2020 JGI-UC Merced Summer Internship Program
Toward More Efficient Artificial Photosynthesis