The octopus genome and the evolution of cephalopod neural and morphological novelties
Rapid Evolution of Coral Proteins Responsible for Interaction with the Environment
The GC-Rich Mitochondrial and Plastid Genomes of the Green Alga Coccomyxa Give Insight into the Evolution of Organelle DNA Nucleotide Landscape
A bacterial pioneer produces cellulase complexes that persist through community succession
Unraveling the functional dark matter through global metagenomics
Genomics of the origin and evolution of Citrus
Repeated Cis-Regulatory Tuning of a Metabolic Bottleneck Gene during Evolution
Transposon signatures of allopolyploid genome evolution
High-throughput SNP discovery through deep resequencing of a reduced representation library to anchor and orient scaffolds in the soybean whole genome sequence
Duplications and losses of genes encoding known elements of the stress defence system of the Aspergilli contribute to the evolution of these filamentous fungi but do not directly influence their environmental stress tolerance
BBMerge – Accurate paired shotgun read merging via overlap
Comparative genomics reveals dynamic genome evolution in host specialist ectomycorrhizal fungi