The Porcelain Crab Transcriptome and PCAD, the Porcelain Crab Microarray and Sequence Database
Genome-wide analysis of lectin receptor-like kinases in Populus
The genome of Pelobacter carbinolicus reveals surprising metabolic capabilities and physiological features
Genome-Wide Association Studies across Environmental and Genetic Contexts Reveal Complex Genetic Architecture of Symbiotic Extended Phenotypes
Genome-wide analysis of Aux/IAA and ARF gene families in Populus trichocarpa
Genome-informed Bradyrhizobium taxonomy: where to from here?
Genome and Transcriptome of Clostridium phytofermentans, Catalyst for the Direct Conversion of Plant Feedstocks to Fuels
Seven genome sequences of bacterial, environmental isolates from Pony Lake, Antarctica.
A korarchaeal genome reveals insights into the evolution of the Archaea
Biomass‐degrading enzymes are catabolite repressed in anaerobic gut fungi
Genome sequencing of Rigidoporus microporus provides insights on genes important for wood decay, latex tolerance and interspecific fungal interactions
Development of simple sequence repeat markers for the soybean rust fungus, Phakopsora pachyrhizi