Decoding the massive genome of loblolly pine using haploid DNA and novel assembly strategies
The Physcomitrella Genome Reveals Evolutionary Insights into the Conquest of Land by Plants
Genome size, cell size, and the evolution of enucleated erythrocytes in attenuate salamanders
Genome-guided isolation of the hyperthermophilic aerobe Fervidibacter sacchari reveals conserved polysaccharide metabolism in the Armatimonadota
Draft Genome Sequences of Gammaproteobacterial Methanotrophs Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
Complete genome sequence of Haliscomenobacter hydrossis type strain (OT)
Complete genome sequence of Polynucleobacter necessariussubsp. asymbioticus type strain (QLW-P1DMWA-1T)
Permanent Draft Genome Sequence of Desulfurococcus amylolyticus Strain Z-533T, a Peptide and Starch Degrader Isolated from Thermal Springs in the Kamchatka Peninsula and Kunashir Island, Russia
Description of Trichococcus ilyis sp. nov. by combined physiological and in silico genome hybridization analyses
Toward a Standards-Compliant Genomic and Metagenomic Publication Record
Genome sequence of the clover-nodulating Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain SRDI565
The Genome Sequence of Methanohalophilus mahii SLPT Reveals Differences in the Energy Metabolism among Members of the Methanosarcinaceae Inhabiting Freshwater and Saline Environments