Exploiting proteomic data for genome annotation and gene model validation in Aspergillus niger
The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea
A Comparison of Microbial Genome Web Portals
Horizontal gene transfer in Histophilus somni and its role in the evolution of pathogenic strain 2336, as determined by comparative genomic analyses
The western redcedar genome reveals low genetic diversity in a self-compatible conifer
Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon
Draft Genome Sequences of Three Strains of a Novel Rhizobiales Species Isolated from Forest Soil
Genome sequences of key bacterial symbionts of entomopathogenic nematodes: Xenorhabdus cabanillasii DSM17905, Xenorhabdus ehlersii DSM16337, Xenorhabdus japonica DSM16522, Xenorhabdus koppenhoeferii DSM18168, and Xenorhabdus mauleonii DSM17908
Draft genome sequencing and assembly of Favolaschia claudopus CIRM-BRFM 2984 isolated from oak limbs
Updating algal evolutionary relationships through plastid genome sequencing: did alveolate plastids emerge through endosymbiosis of an ochrophyte?
Multiple whole-genome alignments without a reference organism
Genome-wide analysis of cytochrome P450s of Trichoderma spp.: annotation and evolutionary relationships