Methanogenesis and Salt Tolerance Genes of a Novel Halophilic Methanosarcinaceae Metagenome-Assembled Genome from a Former Solar Saltern
Extensive Reorganization of the Plastid Genome of Trifolium subterraneum (Fabaceae) Is Associated with Numerous Repeated Sequences and Novel DNA Insertions
Prevalent genome streamlining and latitudinal divergence of planktonic bacteria in the surface ocean
Frigoriflavimonas asaccharolytica gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel psychrophilic esterase and protease producing bacterium isolated from Antarctica
ORT: A workflow linking genome-scale metabolic models with reactive transport codes.
Worldwide Population Genomics Reveal Long-Term Stability of the Mitochondrial Genome Architecture in a Keystone Marine Plant
Socotra Island the forgotten fragment of Gondwana: Unmasking chameleon lizard history with complete mitochondrial genomic data
Draft Genome Sequences of Three Monokaryotic Isolates of the White-Rot Basidiomycete Fungus Dichomitus squalens
Genome gazing in ammonia-oxidizing archaea
Analysis of the Phlebiopsis gigantea Genome, Transcriptome and Secretome Provides Insight into Its Pioneer Colonization Strategies of Wood
Genome-wide analysis of lectin receptor-like kinases in Populus
The Porcelain Crab Transcriptome and PCAD, the Porcelain Crab Microarray and Sequence Database