Draft Genome Sequence of Streptomyces sp. Strain Wigar10, Isolated from a Surface-Sterilized Garlic Bulb
Genome Sequence of Porticoccus hydrocarbonoclasticus Strain MCTG13d, an Obligate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacterium Associated with Marine Eukaryotic Phytoplankton
The Complete Plastid Genome Sequence of the Secondarily Nonphotosynthetic Alga Cryptomonas paramecium: Reduction, Compaction, and Accelerated Evolutionary Rate
Complete Genome Sequence of Thermoanaerobacterium sp. Strain RBIITD, a Butyrate- and Butanol-Producing Thermophile
Comparative genomics reveals dynamic genome evolution in host specialist ectomycorrhizal fungi
Complete genome sequence of Desulfobulbus propionicus type strain (1pr3T)
Transcriptional response of the white-rot fungus Dichomitus squalens to polysaccharides reveals a co-expression network of plant biomass conversion related genes
A thousand-genome panel retraces the global spread and adaptation of a major fungal crop pathogen
The genome of wine yeast Dekkera bruxellensis provides a tool to explore its food-related properties
Complete genome sequence of Granulicella tundricola type strain MP5ACTX9T, an Acidobacteria from tundra soil
Genome Sequences for Six Rhodanobacter Strains, Isolated from Soils and the Terrestrial Subsurface, with Variable Denitrification Capabilities
Near-complete genome sequence of Lipomyces tetrasporous NRRL Y-64009, an oleaginous yeast capable of growing on lignocellulosic hydrolysates