Genome analyses of the carboxydotrophic sulfate-reducers Desulfotomaculum nigrificans and Desulfotomaculum carboxydivorans and reclassification of Desulfotomaculum caboxydivorans as a later synonym of Desulfotomaculum nigrificans
Towards a genome-based virus taxonomy
Genome biology of the paleotetraploid perennial biomass crop Miscanthus
High-Quality Draft Genome Sequences of the Uncultured Delta3 Endosymbiont (Deltaproteobacteria) Assembled from Metagenomes of the Gutless Marine Worm Olavius algarvensis
Diversity and function of methyl-coenzyme M reductase-encoding archaea in Yellowstone hot springs revealed by metagenomics and mesocosm experiments
Complete genome sequence of the extremely halophilic Halanaerobium praevalens type strain (GSLT)
Advancing Genome-Resolved Metagenomics beyond the Shotgun
Genome Sequence of Verrucomicrobium sp. Strain GAS474, a Novel Bacterium Isolated from Soil
Complete Genome Sequence of the Marine Cellulose- and Xylan-Degrading Bacterium Glaciecolasp. Strain 4H-3-7+YE-5
Insights into the Maize Pan-Genome and Pan-Transcriptome
Draft Genome Sequence of Syntrophorhabdus aromaticivorans Strain UI, a Mesophilic Aromatic Compound-Degrading Syntroph
Individual genome assembly from complex community short-read metagenomic datasets