Biological Consequences of Ancient Gene Acquisition and Duplication in the Large Genome of Candidatus Solibacter usitatus Ellin6076
Genome‐based evolutionary history of Pseudomonas spp
Development and Initial Characterization of a HAPPY Panel for Mapping the X. Tropicalis Genome
Contrasting Patterns of Sequence Evolution at the Functionally Redundant bric à brac Paralogs in Drosophila melanogaster
Genetic dissection of natural variation in oilseed traits of camelina by whole‐genome resequencing and QTL mapping
Horizontal gene transfer in Histophilus somni and its role in the evolution of pathogenic strain 2336, as determined by comparative genomic analyses
Genome of Paspalum vaginatum and the role of trehalose mediated autophagy in increasing maize biomass
Genome expansion and lineage-specific genetic innovations in the forest pathogenic fungi Armillaria
Linking secondary metabolites to gene clusters through genome sequencing of six diverse Aspergillus species
Sequencing of 15 622 gene‐bearing BACs clarifies the gene‐dense regions of the barley genome
Toward a standard in structural genome annotation for prokaryotes
Genome mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling domestication traits of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium)