The Genomes On Line Database (GOLD) in 2007: status of genomic and metagenomic projects and their associated metadata
IMG/M-HMP: A Metagenome Comparative Analysis System for the Human Microbiome Project
Analysis of the Phlebiopsis gigantea Genome, Transcriptome and Secretome Provides Insight into Its Pioneer Colonization Strategies of Wood
Near-complete genome sequence of Lipomyces tetrasporous NRRL Y-64009, an oleaginous yeast capable of growing on lignocellulosic hydrolysates
Draft Genome Sequence of Frankia sp. Strain BCU110501, a Nitrogen-Fixing Actinobacterium Isolated from Nodules of Discaria trinevis
Complete genome sequence of Jonesia denitrificans type strain (Prevot 55134T)
Complete genome sequence of Mesorhizobium ciceri bv. biserrulae type strain (WSM1271T)
Genome-scale phylogenetic analyses confirm Olpidium as the closest living zoosporic fungus to the non-flagellated, terrestrial fungi
Genome Streamlining, Proteorhodopsin, and Organic Nitrogen Metabolism in Freshwater Nitrifiers
Genomic Analysis of Organismal Complexity in the Multicellular Green Alga Volvox carteri
Optimized CRISPR Interference System for Investigating Pseudomonas alloputida Genes Involved in Rhizosphere Microbiome Assembly
Genome sequence of Nitrosopumilus adriaticus CCS1 assembled from an ammonia-oxidizing enrichment culture