Genomes of 13 domesticated and wild rice relatives highlight genetic conservation, turnover and innovation across the genus Oryza
Whole genome assembly from 454 sequencing output via modified DNA graph concept
Whole-Genome rVISTA: a tool to determine enrichment of transcription factor binding sites in gene promoters from transcriptomic data
Taxonomic and Metabolic Incongruence in the Ancient Genus Streptomyces
Hidden diversity in the oomycete genus Olpidiopsis is a potential hazard to red algal cultivation and conservation worldwide
Whole Genome Analyses Suggests that Burkholderia sensu lato Contains Two Additional Novel Genera (Mycetohabitans gen. nov., and Trinickia gen. nov.): Implications for the Evolution of Diazotrophy and Nodulation in the Burkholderiaceae
Reductive amination cascades in cell‐free and resting whole cell formats for valorization of lignin deconstruction products
Whole genome comparisons of Fragaria, Prunus and Malus reveal different modes of evolution between Rosaceous subfamilies
Diversity and Distribution of a Novel Genus of Hyperthermophilic Aquificae Viruses Encoding a Proof-Reading Family-A DNA Polymerase
Speciation Underpinned by Unexpected Molecular Diversity in the Mycorrhizal Fungal Genus Pisolithus
Transposable Elements versus the Fungal Genome: Impact on Whole-Genome Architecture and Transcriptional Profiles
Draft Genome Sequences of 10 Strains of the Genus Exiguobacterium