Diversity and function of methyl-coenzyme M reductase-encoding archaea in Yellowstone hot springs revealed by metagenomics and mesocosm experiments
DNA Sequence Analysis of an Inversion Hot Spot in Lobeliaceae Plastomes
Conservation and Expansion of Transcriptional Factor Repertoire in the Fusarium oxysporum Species Complex
Genomic insights into the Acidobacteria reveal strategies for their success in terrestrial environments
New Insights Into the Influence of Plant and Microbial Diversity on Denitrification Rates in a Salt Marsh
Genome analyses reveal population structure and a purple stigma color gene candidate in finger millet
Distinct temporal diversity profiles for nitrogen cycling genes in a hyporheic microbiome
IMG/VR: a database of cultured and uncultured DNA Viruses and retroviruses
Genomic and genetic analyses of diversity and plant interactions of Pseudomonas fluorescens
Phylogenomics and Comparative Genomics Highlight Specific Genetic Features in Ganoderma Species
Comparison of soil biosolarization with mesophilic and thermophilic solid digestates on soil microbial quantity and diversity
A Single Nucleotide Change in the polC DNA Polymerase III in Clostridium thermocellum Is Sufficient To Create a Hypermutator Phenotype