Best Practices for Successfully Writing and Publishing a Genome Announcement in Microbiology Resource Announcements
Contrasting patterns of genome-level diversity across distinct co-occurring bacterial populations
Genome-sequenced bacterial collection from sorghum epicuticular wax
Polynucleobacter necessarius, a model for genome reduction in both free-living and symbiotic bacteria
Genome size, cell size, and the evolution of enucleated erythrocytes in attenuate salamanders
Anoxygenic phototroph of the Chloroflexota uses a type I reaction centre
Targeted Switchgrass BAC Library Screening and Sequence Analysis Identifies Predicted Biomass and Stress Response-Related Genes
The Switchgrass Genome: Tools and Strategies
Minimum Information about an Uncultivated Virus Genome (MIUViG)
Preferential retention of genes from one parental genome after polyploidy illustrates the nature and scope of the genomic conflicts induced by hybridization
Genome-Resolved Metagenomic Insights into Massive Seasonal Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Blooms in San Francisco Bay
Genomic Signatures of Strain Selection and Enhancement in Bacillus atrophaeus var. globigii, a Historical Biowarfare Simulant