Short sequence motifs, overrepresented in mammalian conserved non-coding sequences
The Joint Genome Institute Offers Resources Beyond a Core Facility
The Spirodela polyrhiza genome reveals insights into its neotenous reduction fast growth and aquatic lifestyle
Finished Genome of the Fungal Wheat Pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola Reveals Dispensome Structure, Chromosome Plasticity, and Stealth Pathogenesis
Genome‐wide association studies and expression‐based quantitative trait loci analyses reveal roles of HCT2 in caffeoylquinic acid biosynthesis and its regulation by defense‐responsive transcription factors in Populus
Sensitivity Analysis of Genome-Scale Metabolic Flux Prediction
Extensive Reorganization of the Plastid Genome of Trifolium subterraneum (Fabaceae) Is Associated with Numerous Repeated Sequences and Novel DNA Insertions
A korarchaeal genome reveals insights into the evolution of the Archaea
Draft genome sequencing and assembly of Favolaschia claudopus CIRM-BRFM 2984 isolated from oak limbs
Updating algal evolutionary relationships through plastid genome sequencing: did alveolate plastids emerge through endosymbiosis of an ochrophyte?
Genome-wide analysis of cytochrome P450s of Trichoderma spp.: annotation and evolutionary relationships
The homothallic mating-type locus of the conifer needle endophyte Phialocephala scopiformis DAOMC 229536 (order Helotiales)