Genome Sequences of Actinobacteria from Extreme Environments in Colombia
Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis
Beyond linear sequence comparisons: the use of genome-level characters for phylogenetic reconstruction
Optofluidic Raman-activated cell sorting for targeted genome retrieval or cultivation of microbial cells with specific functions
Complete genome sequence of Thermovibrio ammonificans HB-1T, a thermophilic, chemolithoautotrophic bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent
Complete Genome sequence of Burkholderia phymatum STM815T, a broad host range and efficient nitrogen-fixing symbiont of Mimosa species
High quality draft genome sequences of Pseudomonas fulva DSM 17717T, Pseudomonas parafulva DSM 17004T and Pseudomonas cremoricolorata DSM 17059T type strains
High quality permanent draft genome sequence of Phaseolibacter flectens ATCC 12775T, a plant pathogen of French bean pods
Draft Genome Sequence and Description of Janthinobacterium sp. Strain CG3, a Psychrotolerant Antarctic Supraglacial Stream Bacterium
Genome Sequence of Hybrid Vibrio cholerae O1 MJ-1236, B-33, and CIRS101 and Comparative Genomics with V. cholerae▿
Complete genome sequence of Hirschia baltica type strain (IFAM 1418T)
Tackling soil diversity with the assembly of large, complex metagenomes