Metatranscriptomes of California grassland soil microbial communities in response to rewetting.
Advancements in the application of NanoSIMS and Raman microspectroscopy to investigate the activity of microbial cells in soils
Extent and Origins of Functional Diversity in a Subfamily of Glycoside Hydrolases
Improving Synthetic Biology Communication: Recommended Practices for Visual Depiction and Digital Submission of Genetic Designs
Single-cell and metagenomic analyses indicate a fermentative and saccharolytic lifestyle for members of the OP9 lineage
The environment drives microbial trait variability in aquatic habitats
A standard-enabled workflow for synthetic biology.
Metabolic engineering for valorization of macroalgae biomass
Compendium of Metabolomic and Genomic Datasets for Cyanobacteria: Mined the Gap
A most wanted list of conserved microbial protein families with no known domains
ProDeGe: a computational protocol for fully automated decontamination of genomes
Development of an orthogonal fatty acid biosynthesis system in E. coli for oleochemical production