Complete Genome Sequence of Agrobacterium sp. Strain 33MFTa1.1, Isolated from Thlaspi arvense Roots
Genome and Transcriptome of Clostridium phytofermentans, Catalyst for the Direct Conversion of Plant Feedstocks to Fuels
Complete genome sequence of Desulfohalobium retbaense type strain (HR100T)
The Genome of Akkermansia muciniphila, a Dedicated Intestinal Mucin Degrader, and Its Use in Exploring Intestinal Metagenomes
Complete genome sequence of Terriglobus saanensis type strain SP1PR4T, an Acidobacteria from tundra soil
Genome-wide role of codon usage on transcription and identification of potential regulators
Complete Genome Sequence of Clostridium clariflavum DSM 19732
Genome-scale model development and genomic sequencing of the oleaginous clade Lipomyces
Representing sex chromosomes in genome assemblies
High quality draft genome sequence of Bacteroides barnesiae type strain BL2T (DSM 18169T) from chicken caecum
Genome gazing in ammonia-oxidizing archaea
The octopus genome and the evolution of cephalopod neural and morphological novelties