At the nexus of three kingdoms: the genome of the mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita provides insights into plant, endobacterial and fungal interactions
The Escherichia coli MFS-type transporter genes yhjE, ydiM, and yfcJ are required to produce an active bo3 quinol oxidase
The Physcomitrella Genome Reveals Evolutionary Insights into the Conquest of Land by Plants
Whole-Genome rVISTA: a tool to determine enrichment of transcription factor binding sites in gene promoters from transcriptomic data
DNA Sequence Analysis of an Inversion Hot Spot in Lobeliaceae Plastomes
Abiotic selection of microbial genome size in the global ocean
Genome organization of the vg1 and nodal3 gene clusters in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis
Full Genome of Phialocephala scopiformis DAOMC 229536, a Fungal Endophyte of Spruce Producing the Potent Anti-Insectan Compound Rugulosin
Genome sequences of four novel Endozoicomonas strains associated with a tropical octocoral in a long-term aquarium facility.
High intraspecific genome diversity in the model arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiont Rhizophagus irregularis
Genome gazing in ammonia-oxidizing archaea
Plant Metabolic Network 15: A resource of genome‐wide metabolism databases for 126 plants and algae