Complete genome sequence of Sulfurospirillum deleyianum type strain (5175T)
Contrasting Modes of Mitochondrial Genome Evolution in Sister Taxa of Wood-Eating Marine Bivalves (Teredinidae and Xylophagaidae)
Complete genome sequence of the sulfate-reducing firmicute Desulfotomaculum ruminis type strain (DLT)
The genome of the Gram‐positive metal‐ and sulfate‐reducing bacterium Desulfotomaculum reducens strain MI‐1
Fungal and plant gene expression in the Tulasnella calospora–Serapias vomeracea symbiosis provides clues about nitrogen pathways in orchid mycorrhizas
Draft genome sequence of type strain HBR26T and description of Rhizobium aethiopicum sp. nov.
The genome of wine yeast Dekkera bruxellensis provides a tool to explore its food-related properties
Complete Genome Sequence of the Haloalkaliphilic, Hydrogen-Producing Bacterium Halanaerobium hydrogeniformans
Complete genome sequence of Methanoculleus marisnigri Romesser et al. 1981 type strain JR1
Worldwide Population Genomics Reveal Long-Term Stability of the Mitochondrial Genome Architecture in a Keystone Marine Plant
Complete Genome Sequence of the Aerobic Marine Methanotroph Methylomonas methanica MC09
Pests, diseases, and aridity have shaped the genome of Corymbia citriodora