One Bacterial Cell, One Complete Genome
Metabotyping as a Stopover in Genome-to-Phenome Mapping
Complete genome sequence of the moderately thermophilic mineral-sulfide-oxidizing firmicute Sulfobacillus acidophilus type strain (NALT)
Genome-scale phylogenetic analyses confirm Olpidium as the closest living zoosporic fungus to the non-flagellated, terrestrial fungi
Development of a Recombineering System for the Acetogen Eubacterium limosum with Cas9 Counterselection for Markerless Genome Engineering
Genome sequence of a white rot fungus Schizopora paradoxa KUC8140 for wood decay and mycoremediation
Genome-Wide Experimental Determination of Barriers to Horizontal Gene Transfer
Complete genome sequence of Syntrophobotulus glycolicus type strain (FlGlyRT)
Complete genome sequence of Planctomyces brasiliensis type strain (DSM 5305T), phylogenomic analysis and reclassification of Planctomycetes including the descriptions of Gimesia gen. nov., Planctopirus gen. nov. and Rubinisphaera gen. nov. and emended
Genome Sequence of “Candidatus Frankia datiscae” Dg1, the Uncultured Microsymbiont from Nitrogen-Fixing Root Nodules of the Dicot Datisca glomerata
Complete genome sequence of the acetate-degrading sulfate reducer Desulfobacca acetoxidans type strain (ASRB2T)
The octopus genome and the evolution of cephalopod neural and morphological novelties