Meeting Report: “Metagenomics, Metadata and Meta-analysis” (M3) Workshop at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2010
Nontargeted virus sequence discovery pipeline and virus clustering for metagenomic data
Medicago root nodule microbiomes: insights into a complex ecosystem with potential candidates for plant growth promotion
Community-wide plasmid gene mobilization and selection
Genomic Standards Consortium Projects
A genome resource for green millet Setaria viridis enables discovery of agronomically valuable loci
Protocol for condition-dependent metabolite yield prediction using the TRIMER pipeline
Silicon-rich soil amendments impact microbial community composition and the composition of arsM bearing microbes
Association mapping by aerial drone reveals 213 genetic associations for Sorghum bicolor biomass traits under drought
Large-scale genome sequencing of mycorrhizal fungi provides insights into the early evolution of symbiotic traits
Conserved white-rot enzymatic mechanism for wood decay in the Basidiomycota genus Pycnoporus
The Experiment Data Depot: A Web-Based Software Tool for Biological Experimental Data Storage, Sharing, and Visualization