Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome of Porphyra umbilicalis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta)
Genome-wide analysis of lectin receptor-like kinases in Populus
Genome sequencing provides insight into the reproductive biology, nutritional mode and ploidy of the fern pathogen Mixia osmundae
Giant virus biology and diversity in the era of genome-resolved metagenomics
The reference genome and abiotic stress responses of the model perennial grass Brachypodium sylvaticum
Chemical synthesis rewriting of a bacterial genome to achieve design flexibility and biological functionality
Newly identified sex chromosomes in the Sphagnum (peat moss) genome alter carbon sequestration and ecosystem dynamics
Seven genome sequences of airborne, bacterial isolates from Antarctica.
Whole‐genome analysis of the ammonia‐oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosomonas eutropha C91: implications for niche adaptation
Genome-Resolved Meta-Omics Ties Microbial Dynamics to Process Performance in Biotechnology for Thiocyanate Degradation
Four Draft Single-Cell Genome Sequences of Novel, Nearly Identical Kiritimatiellaeota Strains Isolated from the Continental Deep Subsurface
Bacterial genome editing by coupling Cre-lox and CRISPR-Cas9 systems