Impacts of Maize Domestication and Breeding on Rhizosphere Microbial Community Recruitment from a Nutrient Depleted Agricultural Soil
Complete genome sequence of the orange-red pigmented, radioresistant Deinococcus proteolyticus type strain (MRPT)
Reconstructing each cell's genome within complex microbial communities—dream or reality?
A Genomic Perspective Across Earth’s Microbiomes Reveals That Genome Size in Archaea and Bacteria Is Linked to Ecosystem Type and Trophic Strategy
Soil Microbes Trade-Off Biogeochemical Cycling for Stress Tolerance Traits in Response to Year-Round Climate Change
The genome of the Gram‐positive metal‐ and sulfate‐reducing bacterium Desulfotomaculum reducens strain MI‐1
Genome Sequences of Two Carbapenemase-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 Isolates
Metagenomic Analysis of Subtidal Sediments from Polar and Subpolar Coastal Environments Highlights the Relevance of Anaerobic Hydrocarbon Degradation Processes
Complete genome sequence of the extremely halophilic Halanaerobium praevalens type strain (GSLT)
Sequencing of 15 622 gene‐bearing BACs clarifies the gene‐dense regions of the barley genome
High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of the Lebeckia ambigua-nodulating Burkholderia sp. strain WSM4176
Genomic diversifications of five Gossypium allopolyploid species and their impact on cotton improvement