MIxS-HCR: a MIxS extension defining a minimal information standard for sequence data from environments pertaining to hydrocarbon resources
Soil Microbes Trade-Off Biogeochemical Cycling for Stress Tolerance Traits in Response to Year-Round Climate Change
Zng1 is a GTP-dependent zinc transferase needed for activation of methionine aminopeptidase
Genomics discovery of giant fungal viruses from subsurface oceanic crustal fluids
A Droplet Microfluidic Platform for Automating Genetic Engineering
Genomic and proteomic biases inform metabolic engineering strategies for anaerobic fungi
Targeted single‐cell sequencing
Constraining the oxygen requirements for modern microbial eukaryote diversity
Genomics and Transcriptomics Analyses of the Oil-Accumulating Basidiomycete Yeast Trichosporon oleaginosus: Insights into Substrate Utilization and Alternative Evolutionary Trajectories of Fungal Mating Systems
Cynipid wasps systematically reprogram host metabolism and restructure cell walls in developing galls
Discovery of enzymes for toluene synthesis from anoxic microbial communities
Sequencing and functional validation of the JGI Brachypodium distachyon T‐DNA collection