The complete genome sequence of Staphylothermus marinus reveals differences in sulfur metabolism among heterotrophic Crenarchaeota
High functional diversity among Nitrospira populations that dominate rotating biological contactor microbial communities in a municipal wastewater treatment plant
Complete genome sequence of Coraliomargarita akajimensis type strain (04OKA010-24T)
Novel assembly strategy cracks open the mysteries of walnut genome evolution
Permanent draft genome sequence of Comamonas testosteroni KF-1
Draft genome of Paraburkholderia caballeronis TNe-841T, a free-living, nitrogen-fixing, tomato plant-associated bacterium
Experimentally Validated Reconstruction and Analysis of a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of an Anaerobic Neocallimastigomycota Fungus
The Plant Cell Wall–Decomposing Machinery Underlies the Functional Diversity of Forest Fungi
Complete genome sequence of Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans type strain (5575T)
Bioinformatics Analysis Tools for Studying Microbiomes at the DOE Joint Genome Institute
Genome sequence of the button mushroom Agaricus bisporus reveals mechanisms governing adaptation to a humic-rich ecological niche
Complete genome sequence of the thermophilic sulfate-reducing ocean bacterium Thermodesulfatator indicus type strain (CIR29812T)