Draft genome sequence of Dethiobacter alkaliphilus strain AHT1T, a gram-positive sulfidogenic polyextremophile
Complete genome sequence of the thermophilic sulfur-reducer Hippea maritima type strain (MH2T)
Annotation and sequence diversity of transposable elements in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
High quality draft genome sequence of Brachymonas chironomi AIMA4T (DSM 19884T) isolated from a Chironomus sp. egg mass
Complete Genome Sequence of the Hyperthermophilic Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Thermodesulfobacterium geofontis OPF15T
On the origin and evolutionary consequences of gene body DNA methylation
Complete genome sequence of Thermomonospora curvata type strain (B9T)
Complete Genome Sequence of the Cellulolytic Thermophile Clostridium thermocellum DSM1313
Genome sequence and emended description of Leisingera nanhaiensis strain DSM 24252T isolated from marine sediment
Draft Genome Sequence of Tuber borchii Vittad., a Whitish Edible Truffle
Comparative genomics, proteomics and transcriptomics give new insight into the exoproteome of the basidiomycete Hebeloma cylindrosporum and its involvement in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis
Novel Z-DNA binding domains in giant viruses.