The genome and variation of Bacillus anthracis
Genome sequence of the thermophilic fresh-water bacterium Spirochaeta caldaria type strain (H1T), reclassification of Spirochaeta caldaria, Spirochaeta stenostrepta and Spirochaeta zuelzerae in the genus Treponema as Treponema caldaria comb. nov.,
Experimentally Validated Reconstruction and Analysis of a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of an Anaerobic Neocallimastigomycota Fungus
Contrasting Modes of Mitochondrial Genome Evolution in Sister Taxa of Wood-Eating Marine Bivalves (Teredinidae and Xylophagaidae)
Genome sequencing and mapping reveal loss of heterozygosity as a mechanism for rapid adaptation in the vegetable pathogen Phytophthora capsici.
Draft Genome Sequences of Five New Strains of Methylophilaceae Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
Complete genome sequence of the orange-red pigmented, radioresistant Deinococcus proteolyticus type strain (MRPT)
Complete genome sequence of Methanoculleus marisnigri Romesser et al. 1981 type strain JR1
Genome Sequence of Arenibacter algicola Strain TG409, a Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacterium Associated with Marine Eukaryotic Phytoplankton
Complete genome sequence of the gliding freshwater bacterium Fluviicola taffensis type strain (RW262T)
The complete genome sequence of Clostridium indolis DSM 755T
Evolution of novel wood decay mechanisms in Agaricales revealed by the genome sequences of Fistulina hepatica and Cylindrobasidium torrendii