A Functional Mini-Integrase in a Two-Protein Type V-C CRISPR System
Extensive Rearrangements in the Chloroplast Genome of Trachelium caeruleum Are Associated with Repeats and tRNA Genes
Pan genome of the phytoplankton Emiliania underpins its global distribution
Scaling metagenome sequence assembly with probabilistic de Bruijn graphs
The genome of Tetranychus urticae reveals herbivorous pest adaptations
The genome of Laccaria bicolor provides insights into mycorrhizal symbiosis
Genome-scale phylogenetics reveals a monophyletic Zoopagales (Zoopagomycota, Fungi)
High Density Genetic Maps of Seashore Paspalum Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing and Their Relationship to The Sorghum Bicolor Genome
The genome of the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) reveals complex patterns of duplications involved in the evolution of parasitism genes
Mo than Meets the Eye: Genomic Insights into Molybdoenzyme Diversity of Seleniivibrio woodruffii strain S4T
Tissue Cultivation, Preparation, and Extraction of High Molecular Weight DNA for Single-Molecule Genome Sequencing of Plant-Associated Fungi
Improving Microbial Genome Annotations in an Integrated Database Context