Genome sequencing of the Trichoderma reesei QM9136 mutant identifies a truncation of the transcriptional regulator XYR1 as the cause for its cellulase-negative phenotype
Deeplasmid: deep learning accurately separates plasmids from bacterial chromosomes
Complete genome sequence of Planctomyces brasiliensis type strain (DSM 5305T), phylogenomic analysis and reclassification of Planctomycetes including the descriptions of Gimesia gen. nov., Planctopirus gen. nov. and Rubinisphaera gen. nov. and emended
Gradual polyploid genome evolution revealed by pan-genomic analysis of Brachypodium hybridum and its diploid progenitors
Complete genome sequence of Hirschia baltica type strain (IFAM 1418T)
Genome-Based Taxonomic Classification of Bacteroidetes
Microfluidic-based mini-metagenomics enables discovery of novel microbial lineages from complex environmental samples
Genome biology of the paleotetraploid perennial biomass crop Miscanthus
Expanding standards in viromics: in silico evaluation of dsDNA viral genome identification, classification, and auxiliary metabolic gene curation
Cultivation and sequencing of rumen microbiome members from the Hungate1000 Collection
Complete genome sequence of Haliscomenobacter hydrossis type strain (OT)
The CC–NB–LRR protein BSR1 from Brachypodium confers resistance to Barley stripe mosaic virus in gramineous plants by recognising TGB1 movement protein