Examining the cause of high inbreeding depression: analysis of whole‐genome sequence data in 28 selfed progeny of Eucalyptus grandis
Complete genome sequence of ‘Thermobaculum terrenum’ type strain (YNP1T)
Draft genome sequences of Butyrivibrio hungatei DSM 14810 (JK 615T) and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens DSM 3071 (D1T).
Representing sex chromosomes in genome assemblies
Genome sequence of the lupin-nodulating Bradyrhizobium sp. strain WSM1417
The genome of Laccaria bicolor provides insights into mycorrhizal symbiosis
Group II Introns Break New Boundaries: Presence in a Bilaterian's Genome
Agave REVEILLE1 regulates the onset and release of seasonal dormancy in Populus.
One Complete and Seven Draft Genome Sequences of Subdivision 1 and 3 Acidobacteria Isolated from Soil
Complete genome sequence of the facultatively chemolithoautotrophic and methylotrophic alpha Proteobacterium Starkeya novella type strain (ATCC 8093T)
Draft Genome Sequence of Syntrophorhabdus aromaticivorans Strain UI, a Mesophilic Aromatic Compound-Degrading Syntroph
Genome Sequence of the Ethanol-Producing Zymomonas mobilis subsp. pomaceae Lectotype Strain ATCC 29192