Genome sequence of the acid-tolerant Burkholderia sp. strain WSM2230 from Karijini National Park, Australia
The genome of Eucalyptus grandis
The Roseibium album (Labrenzia alba) Genome Possesses Multiple Symbiosis Factors Possibly Underpinning Host-Microbe Relationships in the Marine Benthos
Diverse ecophysiological adaptations of subsurface Thaumarchaeota in floodplain sediments revealed through genome-resolved metagenomics
Complete genome sequence of Pedobacter heparinus type strain (HIM 762-3T)
The Joint Genome Institute Offers Resources Beyond a Core Facility
Genome sequence of the free-living aerobic spirochete Turneriella parva type strain (HT), and emendation of the species Turneriella parva
Analysis of 1,000+ Type-Strain Genomes Substantially Improves Taxonomic Classification of Alphaproteobacteria
Purifying the Impure: Sequencing Metagenomes and Metatranscriptomes from Complex Animal-associated Samples
Genome Sequence of Hybrid Vibrio cholerae O1 MJ-1236, B-33, and CIRS101 and Comparative Genomics with V. cholerae▿
Complete Genome of Enterobacteriaceae Bacterium Strain FGI 57, a Strain Associated with Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens
High-quality-draft genome sequence of the fermenting bacterium Anaerobium acetethylicum type strain GluBS11T (DSM 29698)