Serpentinization-Influenced Groundwater Harbors Extremely Low Diversity Microbial Communities Adapted to High pH
Ecology and evolution of viruses infecting uncultivated SUP05 bacteria as revealed by single-cell- and meta-genomics
Feathermoss and epiphytic Nostoc cooperate differently: expanding the spectrum of plant–cyanobacteria symbiosis
Intra‐species genetic variability drives carbon metabolism and symbiotic host interactions in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus microcarpus
Methane Cycling Microbial Community Characteristics: Comparing Natural, Actively Extracted, Restored and Unrestored Boreal Peatlands
Genomics of the origin and evolution of Citrus
Sequencing and functional validation of the JGI Brachypodium distachyon T‐DNA collection
Three mutations repurpose a plant karrikin receptor to a strigolactone receptor
From Textbook to Real World Applications
Krishna Palaniappan
Gotta Catch 'Em Gall
Testing Progress report