Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis
Genome analysis and description of Tunturibacter gen. nov. expands the diversity of Terriglobia in tundra soils
Draft Nuclear Genome Sequence of the Halophilic and Beta-Carotene-Accumulating Green Alga Dunaliella salina Strain CCAP19/18
Genome-Based Taxonomic Classification of the Phylum Actinobacteria
Complete genome sequence of Paludibacter propionicigenes type strain (WB4T)
Draft Genome Sequences of Three Strains of a Novel Rhizobiales Species Isolated from Forest Soil
Complete genome sequence of Mesorhizobium ciceri bv. biserrulae type strain (WSM1271T)
Complete Genome Sequence of the Photosynthetic Purple Nonsulfur Bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus SB 1003▿
Development and Initial Characterization of a HAPPY Panel for Mapping the X. Tropicalis Genome
Biological Consequences of Ancient Gene Acquisition and Duplication in the Large Genome of Candidatus Solibacter usitatus Ellin6076
Complete genome sequence of Thermosphaera aggregans type strain (M11TLT)
The genome of the intracellular bacterium of the coastal bivalve, Solemya velum: a blueprint for thriving in and out of symbiosis