Ammonia‐oxidising archaea living at low pH: Insights from comparative genomics
Genome‐wide mapping of cytosine methylation revealed dynamic DNA methylation patterns associated with genes and centromeres in rice
The Plant Cell Wall–Decomposing Machinery Underlies the Functional Diversity of Forest Fungi
Comparison of soil biosolarization with mesophilic and thermophilic solid digestates on soil microbial quantity and diversity
Individual genome assembly from complex community short-read metagenomic datasets
Community-wide plasmid gene mobilization and selection
Expanded diversity of microbial groups that shape the dissimilatory sulfur cycle
Genome gazing in ammonia-oxidizing archaea
Genome organization and botanical diversity
Methane-Oxidizing Activity Enhances Sulfamethoxazole Biotransformation in a Benthic Constructed Wetland Biomat
Methanogenesis in oxygenated soils is a substantial fraction of wetland methane emissions
Microbial life under ice: Metagenome diversity and in situ activity of Verrucomicrobia in seasonally ice‐covered Lakes