Accelerating Metagenomics Discoveries with Deep Learning
JGI@25: Expanding Metagenomics to Capture Viral Diversity
Genome-Based Taxonomic Classification of Bacteroidetes
Minimum information about a single amplified genome (MISAG) and a metagenome-assembled genome (MIMAG) of bacteria and archaea
Activity-based, genome-resolved metagenomics uncovers key populations and pathways involved in subsurface conversions of coal to methane
A chromosome‐scale reference genome of trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) provides insights into disease resistance, cold tolerance and genome evolution in Citrus
Whole-genome sequencing and intensive analysis of the undomesticated soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc.) genome
A reference genome for common bean and genome-wide analysis of dual domestications
Giant virus biology and diversity in the era of genome-resolved metagenomics
Genome Calligrapher: A Web Tool for Refactoring Bacterial Genome Sequences for de Novo DNA Synthesis
The genome portal of the Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute: 2014 updates
Guidelines for public database submission of uncultivated virus genome sequences for taxonomic classification