Engineering Escherichia coli for Biodiesel Production Utilizing a Bacterial Fatty Acid Methyltransferase
Description of Trichococcus ilyis sp. nov. by combined physiological and in silico genome hybridization analyses
Detection of S83V GyrA mutation in quinolone-resistant Shewanella algae using comparative genomics
Proposal of Patescibacterium danicum gen. Nov., sp. nov. in the ubiquitous ultrasmall bacterial phylum Patescibacteriota phyl. Nov
Phytozome: a comparative platform for green plant genomics
Deep ocean metagenomes provide insight into the metabolic architecture of bathypelagic microbial communities
GAL08, an Uncultivated Group of Acidobacteria, Is a Dominant Bacterial Clade in a Neutral Hot Spring
Mobile genetic elements in the bacterial phylum Acidobacteria
Differential effects of press vs. pulse seawater intrusion on microbial communities of a tidal freshwater marsh
Long-term excess nitrogen fertilizer increases sensitivity of soil microbial community to seasonal change revealed by ecological network and metagenome analyses
Comparative Analysis of Secretome Profiles of Manganese(II)-Oxidizing Ascomycete Fungi
MArVD2: a machine learning enhanced tool to discriminate between archaeal and bacterial viruses in viral datasets