Complete Genome Sequence for Asinibacterium sp. Strain OR53 and Draft Genome Sequence for Asinibacterium sp. Strain OR43, Two Bacteria Tolerant to Uranium
Draft genome sequence of marine alphaproteobacterial strain HIMB11, the first cultivated representative of a unique lineage within the Roseobacter clade possessing an unusually small genome
Rediscovery by Whole Genome Sequencing: Classical Mutations and Genome Polymorphisms in Neurospora crassa
A whole-genome shotgun approach for assembling and anchoring the hexaploid bread wheat genome
Genome resequencing reveals multiscale geographic structure and extensive linkage disequilibrium in the forest tree Populus trichocarpa
The Arabidopsis lyrata genome sequence and the basis of rapid genome size change
Revisiting the sequencing of the first tree genome: Populus trichocarpa
Whole-genome sequencing and intensive analysis of the undomesticated soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc.) genome
Genome Analysis of a Verrucomicrobial Endosymbiont With a Tiny Genome Discovered in an Antarctic Lake
A Genome-Wide Survey of Switchgrass Genome Structure and Organization
High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of Ensifer sp. PC2, isolated from a nitrogen-fixing root nodule of the legume tree (Khejri) native to the Thar Desert of India
The genome sequence of the psychrophilic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii: the role of genome evolution in cold adaptation