Lignin‐modifying processes in the rhizosphere of arid land grasses
Gene family expansions and transcriptome signatures uncover fungal adaptations to wood decay
Analysis of Porphyra Membrane Transporters Demonstrates Gene Transfer among Photosynthetic Eukaryotes and Numerous Sodium-Coupled Transport Systems
A zinc-finger-family transcription factor, AbVf19, is required for the induction of a gene subset important for virulence in Alternaria brassicicola.
The SlZRT1 Gene Encodes a Plasma Membrane-Located ZIP (Zrt-, Irt-Like Protein) Transporter in the Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Suillus luteus
A comparative genomics screen identifies a Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 sodM-like gene strongly expressed within host plant nodules
DNA methylation and gene expression regulation associated with vascularization in Sorghum bicolor
Assembly of 500,000 inter-specific catfish expressed sequence tags and large scale gene-associated marker development for whole genome association studies
Fine-scale evaluation of two standard 16S rRNA gene amplicon primer pairs for analysis of total prokaryotes and archaeal nitrifiers in differently managed soils
Stress responses in an Arctic microalga (Pelagophyceae) following sudden salinity change revealed by gene expression analysis
CRAGE enables rapid activation of biosynthetic gene clusters in undomesticated bacteria
The Sorghum bicolor genome and the diversification of grasses