Genome sequence of the pink–pigmented marine bacterium Loktanella hongkongensis type strain (UST950701–009PT), a representative of the Roseobacter group
Shotgun metagenomic analysis of microbial communities from the Loxahatchee nature preserve in the Florida Everglades
Complete genome sequence of Coraliomargarita akajimensis type strain (04OKA010-24T)
Draft Genome Sequence of the Moderately Halophilic Methanotroph Methylohalobius crimeensis Strain 10Ki
Draft genome sequence of carbapenem-resistant Shewanella algae strain AC isolated from small abalone (Haliotis diversicolor)
Permanent draft genome sequence of Comamonas testosteroni KF-1
The Selaginella Genome Identifies Genetic Changes Associated with the Evolution of Vascular Plants
Genome Sequence of the Obligate Methanotroph Methylosinus trichosporium Strain OB3b▿
Complete genome sequence of Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans type strain (5575T)
High‐throughput identification of novel heat tolerance genes via genome‐wide pooled mutant screens in the model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Draft Genome Sequence of Coniochaeta ligniaria NRRL 30616, a Lignocellulolytic Fungus for Bioabatement of Inhibitors in Plant Biomass Hydrolysates
Complete genome sequence of the thermophilic sulfate-reducing ocean bacterium Thermodesulfatator indicus type strain (CIR29812T)