Exploring the loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) genome by BAC sequencing and Cot analysis
Optimizing de novo genome assembly from PCR-amplified metagenomes
Identification of novel biomass‐degrading enzymes from genomic dark matter: Populating genomic sequence space with functional annotation
A sorghum genome-wide association study (GWAS) identifies a WRKY transcription factor as a candidate gene underlying sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) resistance
Genome sequencing of Porostereum spadiceum to study the degradation of levofloxacin
Towards a genome-based virus taxonomy
Building the crops of tomorrow: advantages of symbiont-based approaches to improving abiotic stress tolerance
Genome-wide selective sweeps and gene-specific sweeps in natural bacterial populations
Minimum Information about an Uncultivated Virus Genome (MIUViG)
Porphyra (Bangiophyceae) Transcriptomes Provide Insights Into Red Algal Development And Metabolism
Draft genome of five Cupriavidus plantarum strains: agave, maize and sorghum plant-associated bacteria with resistance to metals
Contrasting Modes of Mitochondrial Genome Evolution in Sister Taxa of Wood-Eating Marine Bivalves (Teredinidae and Xylophagaidae)