Complete genome sequence of Dehalogenimonas lykanthroporepellens type strain (BL-DC-9T) and comparison to “Dehalococcoides” strains
Paenibacillus aquistagni sp. nov., isolated from an artificial lake accumulating industrial wastewater
Genome resequencing reveals multiscale geographic structure and extensive linkage disequilibrium in the forest tree Populus trichocarpa
The IMG/M data management and analysis system v.6.0: new tools and advanced capabilities
A Xyloglucan Backbone 6-O-Acetyltransferase from Brachypodium distachyon Modulates Xyloglucan Xylosylation
The first complete human genome
Complete genome sequence of the Medicago microsymbiont Ensifer (Sinorhizobium) medicae strain WSM419
Complete genome sequence of Nitratifractor salsuginis type strain (E9I37-1T)
Genome and proteome analyses show the gaseous alkane degrader Desulfosarcina sp. strain BuS5 as an extreme metabolic specialist
Absence of genome reduction in diverse, facultative endohyphal bacteria
Genetic and Structural Diversity of Prokaryotic Ice-Binding Proteins from the Central Arctic Ocean
Near-complete genome sequence of Lipomyces tetrasporous NRRL Y-64009, an oleaginous yeast capable of growing on lignocellulosic hydrolysates