Viruses interact with hosts that span distantly related microbial domains in dense hydrothermal mats
Chapter Twelve Genomics for Key Players in the N Cycle From Guinea Pigs to the Next Frontier
Poisson hurdle model-based method for clustering microbiome features.
Machine Learning Reveals Signatures of Promiscuous Microbial Amidases for Micropollutant Biotransformations
Marine microbial community responses related to wetland carbon mobilization in the coastal zone
The Megadata of Lake Mendota - Part 2: Souped Up Computing
Exploring Polymorphisms Created by Transposable Elements
Methane Makers in Yosemite’s Lakes
MycoCosm Tutorial
Back in the Lab: the 2023 Summer Intern Experience
Marcel Huntemann
Gotta Catch 'Em Gall