The genomic standards consortium: bringing standards to life for microbial ecology
How To Use Our Systems
Transcriptomic Data Sets for Zymomonas mobilis 2032 during Fermentation of Ammonia Fiber Expansion (AFEX)-Pretreated Corn Stover and Switchgrass Hydrolysates
MIBiG 3.0: a community-driven effort to annotate experimentally validated biosynthetic gene clusters.
Multiomics in the central Arctic Ocean for benchmarking biodiversity change
Empirical Comparison of Visualization Tools for Larger-Scale Network Analysis
A Standardized Synthetic Eucalyptus Transcription Factor and Promoter Panel for Re-engineering Secondary Cell Wall Regulation in Biomass and Bioenergy Crops
Metagenome, metatranscriptome and single-cell sequencing reveal microbial response to Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Engineering a Synthetic Escherichia coli Coculture for Compartmentalized de novo Biosynthesis of Isobutyl Butyrate from Mixed Sugars
Extensions of BLUP Models for Genomic Prediction in Heterogeneous Populations: Application in a Diverse Switchgrass Sample
Murine colitis reveals a disease-associated bacteriophage community
Hybrid error correction and de novo assembly of single-molecule sequencing reads