Complete Genome of Serratia sp. Strain FGI 94, a Strain Associated with Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens
Spray‐induced gene silencing to identify powdery mildew gene targets and processes for powdery mildew control
The genomic standards consortium: bringing standards to life for microbial ecology
Evolution of copper arsenate resistance for enhanced enargite bioleaching using the extreme thermoacidophile Metallosphaera sedula
DNA methylation and gene expression regulation associated with vascularization in Sorghum bicolor
Comparative genomics of freshwater Fe-oxidizing bacteria: implications for physiology, ecology, and systematics
An efficient cre‐based workflow for genomic integration and expression of large biosynthetic pathways in Eubacterium limosum
Development of a clostridia-based cell-free system for prototyping genetic parts and metabolic pathways
16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing Data from Flooded Rice Paddy Mesocosms Treated with Different Silicon-Rich Soil Amendments
Searching for fat tails in CRISPR-Cas systems: Data analysis and mathematical modeling
A centimeter-long bacterium with DNA contained in metabolically active, membrane-bound organelles
Mutant phenotypes for thousands of bacterial genes of unknown function