The Complete Genome Sequence of Thermoproteus tenax: A Physiologically Versatile Member of the Crenarchaeota
Complete genome sequence of Terriglobus saanensis type strain SP1PR4T, an Acidobacteria from tundra soil
Polynucleobacter necessarius, a model for genome reduction in both free-living and symbiotic bacteria
Draft genome of five Cupriavidus plantarum strains: agave, maize and sorghum plant-associated bacteria with resistance to metals
Decoding the massive genome of loblolly pine using haploid DNA and novel assembly strategies
Genome Sequence of “Pedosphaera parvula” Ellin514, an Aerobic Verrucomicrobial Isolate from Pasture Soil
Complete genome sequence of Allochromatium vinosum DSM 180T
Extensive Rearrangements in the Chloroplast Genome of Trachelium caeruleum Are Associated with Repeats and tRNA Genes
Draft Genome Sequence of the Basidiomycete White-Rot Fungus Phlebia centrifuga
High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of the Lebeckia - nodulating Burkholderia dilworthii strain WSM3556T
Complete genome sequence of the halophilic and highly halotolerant Chromohalobacter salexigens type strain (1H11T)
Draft Genome Sequence of Tuber borchii Vittad., a Whitish Edible Truffle