Complete genome sequence of Geodermatophilus obscurus type strain (G-20T)
The Genome of the Acid Soil-Adapted Strain Rhizobium favelukesii OR191 Encodes Determinants for Effective Symbiotic Interaction With Both an Inverted Repeat Lacking Clade and a Phaseoloid Legume Host
A thousand-genome panel retraces the global spread and adaptation of a major fungal crop pathogen
Phased diploid genome assembly with single-molecule real-time sequencing
Genome-Wide Analysis of Corynespora cassiicola Leaf Fall Disease Putative Effectors
Genome sequence of the soil bacterium Saccharomonospora azurea type strain (NA-128T)
BIGMAC : breaking inaccurate genomes and merging assembled contigs for long read metagenomic assembly
Genome‐Wide Association Study Identifies Candidate Loci Underlying Agronomic Traits in a Middle American Diversity Panel of Common Bean
Complete genome sequence of Anaerococcus prevotii type strain (PC1T)
An improved high-quality draft genome sequence of Carnobacterium inhibens subsp. inhibens strain K1T
Halophytes and heavy metals: A multi‐omics approach to understand the role of gene and genome duplication in the abiotic stress tolerance of Cakile maritima
Extensive Rearrangements in the Chloroplast Genome of Trachelium caeruleum Are Associated with Repeats and tRNA Genes