Draft genome sequencing and assembly of Favolaschia claudopus CIRM-BRFM 2984 isolated from oak limbs
Genome-wide role of codon usage on transcription and identification of potential regulators
Towards a genome-based virus taxonomy
Comparing polysaccharide decomposition between the type strains Gramella echinicola KMM 6050T (DSM 19838T) and Gramella portivictoriae UST040801-001T (DSM 23547T), and emended description of Gramella echinicola Nedashkovskaya et al. 2005 emend. Shahina et
Genome‐wide association studies and expression‐based quantitative trait loci analyses reveal roles of HCT2 in caffeoylquinic acid biosynthesis and its regulation by defense‐responsive transcription factors in Populus
Genome‐Wide Association Study Identifies Candidate Loci Underlying Agronomic Traits in a Middle American Diversity Panel of Common Bean
Genome sequencing and analysis of the biomass-degrading fungus Trichoderma reesei (syn. Hypocrea jecorina)
The Ecoresponsive Genome of Daphnia pulex
Short sequence motifs, overrepresented in mammalian conserved non-coding sequences
A complete toolset for the study of Ustilago bromivora and Brachypodium sp. as a fungal-temperate grass pathosystem
Genome-Resolved Metaproteomics Decodes the Microbial and Viral Contributions to Coupled Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in River Sediments
Discovery of photosynthesis genes through whole-genome sequencing of acetate-requiring mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii